
Help Your Students Grow & Flourish!

Chearful's School Well-being Program can help your school become
a center that fosters mindful leaders

50+ Qualified, experienced & Internationally Accredited Practitioners ready to support your students, parents & staff
aarrow-design Build Awareness & Help Mental health become a strength
Our Exclusive Articles Build Awareness & Help Mental health become a strength Call Me Back

Clients feel safe, supported & heard with our practitioners

It was so easy to connect with my practitioner, someone who speaks my language, understands where I am from, and I can afford.
Rebecca Grey

Are Stress, Anxiety & depression affecting Student Performance?

Stress, Anxiety & depression are some of the most common challenges students can face. The related
emotions & thoughts can lead to negative and even damaging behavior. Without the right support during
this important developmental stage, teens start forming patterns & health conditions that last and affect them
throughout their lives

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Of teens globally between the ages of 10 and 19 years of age have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder

1 in 7

Students are facing a mental health challenge today


Of Teens may suffer from a behavioral disorder, that can lead to Destructive behavior

Adolescence is an important stage of development for an individual’s personality, character, and social & emotional patterns. Students go through a range of physiological changes that can cause them to express extreme sets of emotions, leading to challenging behaviors. Many different factors affect mental well-being, and the more risk factors students are exposed to the greater the impact:

  • Stigma, lack of awareness
  • Inadequate support systems
  • Peer pressure
  • Lack of control & unrealistic expectations
  • Social media influence
  • Pressure to conform and achieve
  • Communication barriers
  • Discrimination & lack of inclusivity

Signs Of Stress - ignored can lead to major health conditions

Headaches Frame
Rapid Heart Rate Frame-6
Digestive Problems Frame-4
Disrupted Sleep Frame-16
Body & Muscle Aches Frame-17
Mood Changes Frame-12
Difficulty Concentrating Frame-7
Social Withdrawal Frame-13
Substance abuse Frame-26
Low Motivation Frame-20

The Chearful School Well-being Solution is Evidence-based

Our bespoke wellbeing program is built around your students' needs, and includes support for the parents and staff. Practitioners work with the students, and we work with your well-being team, with data and analytics to ensure sustainable practices are embedded within your student community.

Chearful understands the importance of fostering a supportive and productive environment. We offer a 360 degree structure of support through providing students with practice tools that are easy to use, enabling staff to guide students during the school day, and supporting parents with insights and community oriented reinforcement.


Assess & Identify


Responsive & Practice Oriented


Accommodative & Sustainable

Chearful Well-being Program

The Chearful Well-being Assessment will identify how your students feel today and support
them through a 4, 6 & 8 week program as per their level of well-being


4 Weeks

High Level of Well-being
  • Positive Attitude & Resilience
  • Friendships & Communication
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Body Image & Wellness
  • Eat, Move & Sleep
  • Self-acceptance
  • Self-acceptance & Confidence
  • Belonging & Inclusion
  • Goal Setting & Purpose

6 Weeks

Medium Level of Well-being
  • Positive Attitude & Resilience
  • Friendships & Communication
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Body Image & Wellness
  • Eat, Move & Sleep
  • Self-acceptance
  • Self-acceptance & Confidence
  • Belonging & Inclusion
  • Goal Setting & Purpose

8 Weeks

Low Level of Well-being
  • Positive Attitude & Resilience
  • Friendships & Communication
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Body Image & Wellness
  • Eat, Move & Sleep
  • Self-acceptance
  • Self-acceptance & Confidence
  • Belonging & Inclusion
  • Goal Setting & Purpose

Your Student's Success Starts with Health& Well-being

Inspire Wellbeing & Register with Us Now!

Contact Us

Our Well-being Program Helps You Build Strong Mental Health!

4, 6 & 8 week program that is based on your students’, staff & parents’ needs & current level of wellbeing
Discovery sessions to make sure you are comfortable with your practitioner
Secure & safe technology that keeps your data private, confidential & protected
Practitioners who are internationally accredited & licensed
A global team of practitioners who work across borders, to provide availability anytime
Pre & post assessment that identifies progress and potential for ROI, analytics and strategic planning
Mental Health Professionals who are multi-lingual, multi-cultural & approachable
Daily recommended tools and guides that support sustainable practice
Mental Health factsheets, for a quick & easy guide to different mental well-being challenges
Webinars, videos, readings help students learn the skills to manage their mental well-being
A built-in web conferencing tool that maintains confidentiality & privacy
Research based articles & soundbites by experienced practitioners who share insights

The Danger for students who do not receive the right support

Mental health disorders increasing globally

Mental well-being is a growing concern worldwide particularly with children between the ages of 10 and 19 years. Children’s mental well-being is a worry across borders, and cultures, with the prevalence of mental health disorders increasing globally, particularly in the Middle East & North Africa Region. And to exacerbate the situation, there is a known shortage of qualified and experienced mental health practitioners who can support this growing need.

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Dropout from schools

Nearly 50% of children globally who report having mental health issues drop out of school before graduation, leaving them without resources to live successful lives and contribute to society.

Self-harm and suicide

Self-harm and suicide has become a tragic focus of need, with nearly 46 K dying globally every year within the youth & teen demographics.

Your Student's Success Starts with Health& Well-being

Inspire Wellbeing & Register with Us Now!

Contact Us

Chearful can help your Students grow Stronger

Chearful's School Well-being Program is aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 3.4 (By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being). Through building awareness and teaching students and their adults good well-being practices, we build a stronger and healthy community.

Align Your School to the UNSDG 3 - Good Health & Well-being

The UNSDG goal 3 is all about building well-being and one of the targets is structured around promoting mental well-being. Our Program will support this through:

  • Managing stigma and peer pressure helps adolescents process emotions effectively.
  • Awareness enables students to recognize behaviors and understand negative emotions.
  • Identifying mental health conditions fosters better understanding.
  • Chearful's resources are quick-read factsheets for easy comprehension.
  • Experienced practitioners offer insights on building positive relationships and emotional regulation.

Community Support for Parents

It Takes a Village!
Making sure students receive the support they need is sometimes challenging once they have left the school grounds.

  • Parents may require support in understanding how to help their child or may feel unsure about the appropriate approach in treating their child's needs.
  • limited resources as schools are pressed for time and qualified practitioners who can manage the entire community. are not always available to support parents.

Chearful's community groups brings parents together in support of each other. Groups are facilitated by an experienced, qualified practitioner who leads parents through conversations on how to help their child.

Sometimes the most powerful tool is to know no one is alone.

Your Journey Begins Here!

If you, or someone you know, is in need of emergency care or urgent crisis intervention, please contact your local emergency numbers immediately