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The 30/30 Mental
Fitness Challenge

Chearful's Mental Fitness Challenge Will Help You take Your Well-
being to the Next Level - Practice Every Day & Find Your Strength!

Register Now

Focused on You

Commit to completing the challenges every day and reflect on your thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

Follow Your Community

Let us win over mental fatigue celebrate your victory over challenges show self-compassion & love

Find Your Strength

Use the tips and tools and practice daily to reach your highest potential

FREE to Register

Free to register, participate, and grow. Exciting prizes to be won!

The Chearful 30 day Mental fitness this Year is:
Win, Victory & Love


Win Over Mental Fatigue

The Challenges: help you practice positive, ways you can structure your thoughts, clear your mind and embed healthy habits

  • benefit to you: learn to manage stress, worries, anxiety before it overtakes you, and achieve your goals

Celebrate Victory Over Challenges

The Challenges: You’ll be able to identify your triggers, and understanding them will help you learn how to manage negative thoughts & behaviors

  • benefit to you: Will help you make positive & healthy decisions and choices

Show Love for Yourself & Others

The Challenges: Learn to show compassion, empathy and understanding towards yourself and your choices

  • benefit to you: Having Self-love will help you become more resilient, confident and mentally stronger

Take the first step towards a happier, healthier you by joining the
30-Day Mental Well-Being Challenge.

Live & Inspire Wellbeing & Register with Us Now!

Register Now

How Your Challenge will work

We’ve made it simple for you to register and start your journey to a mentally fit you

Mental Fitness Screener

Complete a short questionnaire that will help you identify your level of mental fitness today


Complete Your Challenges

Every day you will have a choice from 3 different challenges


Monitor Your Growth

Retake the Mental Fitness Screener to see how much you have learned through the 30 days

Follow the instructions to win 1000 points daily!

  • Register on to participate
  • Take the wellbeing screener to identify how you feel today
  • Start your daily challenges
  • Complete one challenge a day – you get to choose from 3
  • You can show us you’ve completed the daily challenge by:
    • Writing your thoughts
    • Uploading a photo or video
    • Add your accomplishment to social media and motivate others – make sure to tag – (cheerful hashtags)
  • Monitor your learning, and the positive changes by re-taking the screener on the 16th day and then again once you’ve completed 30 days

Celebrate your dedication, devotion, and determination to grow into your best self!

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Take the first step towards a happier, healthier you by joining the 30-Day Mental Well-Being Challenge.

Live & Inspire Wellbeing & Register with Us Now!

Register Now

If you, or someone you know, is in need of emergency care or urgent crisis intervention, please contact your local emergency numbers immediately