
A combination of the feelings and thoughts you have about your body. A person may feel positive, negative or a combination of both at different times. Types of perception can be:

  • Perceptual - how a person sees their body
  • Affective - how a person feels about their body
  • Cognitive - how a person thinks about their body
  • Behavioral - behaviors a person engages in due to their body image

Triggers - The Causes

  • Psychological stress
  • Unhealthy eating behaviours
  • How others speak about body / appearance
  • Unrealistic body images in the media / social media
  • Pressure to appear a certain way
  • Long term health conditions
  • Cultural differences regarding an ideal body type

Symptoms - What it looks like

  • Excessive focus on minor flaws in appearance
  • Fear that others can see a “deformity”
  • Perception of self as unattractive or ugly
  • Avoidance of social engagements
  • Perfectionism
  • Excessive grooming and hiding of a perceived “flaw” through makeup / clothes
  • Constant comparison of appearance with others
  • Excessive pursuit of cosmetic procedures / surgery
  • Never satisfied with own appearance and needs reassurance from others

Treatment - The way to healing

  • Confide in a trusted friend or health professional
  • Declutter apps on your phone - notice who/what you’re following on social media
  • Ask parents / caregivers to lead by example regarding body image, eating habits and staying active
  • Be aware of how you speak about your own body and others’ bodies
  • Find a preferred way to stay active
  • Speak to a mental health professional about the triggers and the underlying reasons
Samantha Jacobs
It was so easy to connect with my practitioner, someone who speaks my language, understands where I am from, and I can afford.
Rebecca Grey
Hafiz Ali
I found comfort in knowing I am safe, and my information & calls with my practitioner are confidential. I shared, learned and healed.
Rebecca Grey
Rana Alghairi
The Chearful well-being resources helped me learn about my own Mental Health and gave me strength through knowledge & awareness.
I was so worried about whether I would find the right support, but Chearful made it easy, quick and all I had to focus on was getting better.
Dominic Ray
Being able to suggest the readings and well-being resources, confident that the information is based on research is a relief.
I saved time and was able to give more time to my client, using the tools online. It was wonderful to focus on my client and not worry about the admin.
Having the Intake form done before the first session was so useful and made that first client meeting so much more useful.
The video conferencing tool is on the platform, so I didn’t need to worry about confidentiality.

If you, or someone you know, is in need of emergency care or urgent crisis intervention, please contact your local emergency numbers immediately