
The Pressure Boys Face: Why We Need to Talk About Male Body Image

Khushboo Motihar
29 Nov 2022

Raising a happy, healthy child in today’s society is no easy feat. With more and more media influence, children are increasingly exposed to unrealistic, unattainable ideals of body image and beauty. This is especially true for boys, who have traditionally been taught to simply “man up” and not discuss their feelings or insecurities. Unfortunately, boys often go unrecognized and forgotten when it comes to body image issues. According to a study, more than 90% of men struggle with body dissatisfaction or negative emotions and thoughts towards their bodies. Increasingly, boys and men are finding themselves under immense pressure to attain the "perfect" body and conform to unrealistic standards of beauty. This is a dangerous trend with potentially devastating consequences. It's time we start talking about the pressure boys face and how we can help them develop healthy relationships with their bodies.

The New Ideal

Perfection is no longer just about being thin; it's now about having a perfect physique as well. This new ideal is best exemplified by guys like Nick Jonas, Zac Efron and Chris Evans—all of whom have chiseled six-pack abs and biceps. Of course, not every guy looks like that. And it's okay! But thanks to social media, guys are now bombarded with images of "perfect" men every day. As a result, many boys and men feel inadequate and begin to compare themselves to these unrealistic standards. Male body image issues are typically associated with anxiety and depression according to a meta-analysis of 23 studies. Declining self-esteem and an increased risk of developing eating disorders are other possible outcomes.

How We Can Help: 9 Strategies to Help Boys Avoid Body Image Issues

Recognizing the problem is the first step to creating change. Parents, educators and mental health professionals need to be aware of the pressures boys are facing and how it's impacting their mental health. Here are nine strategies to help boys feel confident and empowered, no matter what their body looks like.

1. Model a Healthy Relationship with Food and Exercise

As parents, moderating your eating habits, taking part in physical activities and demonstrating healthy attitudes towards food and exercise is a great way to set an example for your kids.

2. Encourage Healthy Habits, not Perfection

Encourage boys to explore different hobbies and activities which make them feel good, not just ones that improve their outward appearance. Perfection is overrated; it's much healthier to aim for progress, not perfection.

3. Positive Body Talk

Help your son, brother or partner see the beauty in their own body by pointing out all the things you love about them! By focusing on the positive, you will help them break free from society's narrow definitions of beauty.

4. Media Literacy

Teach boys to be aware of how the media portrays male bodies and the unrealistic standards it often perpetuates. Having an honest conversation about the media's influence on body image can help boys become more critical of the images they see. Limiting the amount of time they spend on social media can also help. However, boys must be educated and not censored.

5. De-emphasize Physical Appearance

Shift the focus from what someone looks like on the outside to what they are like on the inside—their personality, interests, talents and other facets which make them unique.

6. Discourage Weight Stigma

It's important to never make comments about boys' weights or body types. Dismissing weight stigma not only helps boys feel more accepted and included but also encourages them to accept and love their bodies.

7. Acknowledge Feelings

Encourage boys to talk about their feelings and help them understand it's okay to feel insecure about their bodies. Letting boys know you are there for them can make all the difference. Seeking out a therapist or counselor can also be beneficial. Surrounding boys with individuals who prioritize self-care is essential for their development

8. Reject Negative Messages

Boys should feel empowered to challenge negative messages they hear about male body image and find ways to cope with them in healthy ways. They can do this by relying on their support system, engaging in positive activities or talking to a professional. 

9. Encourage Self-Acceptance

Remind boys they are perfect just the way they are and help them build self-confidence. Celebrate the things which make them unique and special! Self-acceptance is the key to success in any area of life.

The pressure boys face when it comes to body image is real and we need to start talking about it. These strategies can help boys feel more confident and secure in their own skin, but the conversation about body image needs to be consistent. Parents, educators and mental health professionals need to be aware of the pressures boys are facing and create an environment in which boys feel supported and accepted. If you start having these conversations early on, you can help boys develop a healthy relationship with their bodies—a relationship that will last them a lifetime.


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