
The Beginner's Guide to Understanding Dependent Personality Disorder

Suhail Karim
27 Jul 2022

Dependent Personality Disorder is a mental disorder in which a person has an excessive need to be taken care of. It’s also known as clingy personality, dependent personality, submissive personality and passive personality.

What are the signs of Dependent Personality Disorder?

People with dependent personality disorder have a strong fear of being alone and feel a constant need to be taken care of or to be in a relationship. They have difficulty making decisions, because they fear that making the wrong one will lead to them being abandoned by their loved ones. They are also afraid that if they do not get what they need from others, they will not be able to cope with life on their own and may even become suicidal.

What triggers Dependent Personality Disorder?

  • Dependent Personality Disorder is triggered by certain situations and people. Situations include:
  • Family, friends and partners
  • Work, school and social situations
  • Anxiety and stress

How to treat Dependent Personality Disorder?

Dependent Personality Disorder can be difficult to treat. However, there are several ways you can help your loved one get the treatment they need. Here are some tips:

  • Educate yourself on Dependent Personality Disorder
  • Discuss treatment options with your loved one's doctor or therapist
  • Get involved in the treatment process as much as possible (for example, by attending appointments)

More information about Dependent Personality Disorder

Dependent Personality Disorder is a personality disorder that is characterised by a long-standing and excessive need to be taken care of by other people. People with Dependent Personality Disorder often have difficulty making decisions and they rely on others to make them for them. They can also be very sensitive to criticism or disapproval.

People with this disorder are usually very passive, socially withdrawn, and unassertive and may feel uncomfortable or helpless when alone or away from their primary caregiver(s). They may worry excessively about being left alone or abandoned.


Dependent personality disorder can be life-altering, but with the right help and support, you or your loved one can take control of your life again. While these are only a few tips and tricks to dealing with this condition, there are many more resources available for you to get the treatment and recovery that is right for you.

If you, or someone you know, is in need of emergency care or urgent crisis intervention, please contact your local emergency numbers immediately