The Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Narcissism

In the last few decades, there has been an increasing interest in the field of personality disorders. This is especially true when it comes to narcissistic behaviour, which is often associated with traits such as arrogance and entitlement. A narcissist can be described as someone who has an inflated sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy for others, and a great need for admiration. They believe they're superior to others and have little regard for other people's feelings. Generally speaking, most narcissists don't suffer from low self-esteem or insecurity. Instead, they mask these feelings by putting on a facade that makes it appear as though they're happy with themselves and their lives.
A Sense of Entitlement & a Rebellious Streak
This sense of entitlement is one of the most pervasive traits in narcissists. It's not simply that they think they deserve more than others, it's that they believe other people owe them everything. If a narcissist feels entitled wherever they go—no matter what situation they're in—it's easy to see how this can lead to serious problems like physical violence or abuse (because if someone denies you something you believe is yours by right, then why would you let them get away with it?).
This sense of entitlement also manifests in other areas of life, like work or school: if you have ever felt like your boss or professor was unfair or unfair towards you, then this feeling might be more related to narcissism than actual injustice! Narcissists often feel that the world has conspired against them; thus, any slight against them (real or imagined) will cause an extreme reaction from the narcissist as he/she feels unfairly treated in some way by society at large (in spite of evidence suggesting otherwise).
Narcissists are also very rebellious in nature. They believe that they deserve more than others, hence why they can't stay still or conform to certain rules. They don't think that the rules apply to them. This is a common trait among narcissists as well-they don't care about anyone but themselves and their needs, so if something doesn't benefit them in any way, then it can be pushed aside for later use another time when necessary!
Personality Trait, Or Disorder?
Narcissism is a mental disorder that causes people to have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.
Narcissists are characterised by grandiosity, a constant need for attention and admiration, selfishness and self-centeredness, being highly manipulative and demanding of attention from others.
A person who meets the criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) has an inflated sense of self-importance with fantasies about power, success or beauty that aren't realistic. They have an excessive need for praise and admiration from others; believe they're superior to others; can be envious of other people's success or good fortune; feel entitled to special treatment; lack empathy for others' feelings; are arrogant or haughty
One-Dimensional Perspective
Narcissists don’t consider other people as important or valid as themselves. It's a sign that they do not feel empathy for others—that is, they cannot put themselves into another person's shoes and understand what it would be like to have their feelings hurt or experience something negative. In other words, narcissists can only see things from their own perspective; this makes them incapable of seeing another person's point-of-view as valid or important enough for consideration. As a result, no one can tell a narcissist what to do or how to act because no one else matters except him/herself!
Lack of Changed Behaviour
The reason narcissists don't see any reason to change their behaviour is because they don't feel they're wrong. Narcissists believe that they're superior, so therefore, everything that happens in their lives is justified and deserved. This means that when you criticise them or ask them to stop doing something, it's not because you think it's wrong, but rather because YOU can't handle how good the narcissist is at what he or she does.
A lot of times, narcissists are not aware that they have a problem at all, so they don't seek help or treatment for it. It's important to recognize if you have narcissistic tendencies so that you can try your best not to let them get out of control and lead you into trouble.
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