
Understanding and Managing Anger

Khushboo Motihar
22 Sep 2022

What is Anger Management?

Anger is a normal and healthy emotion but only when used constructively. It manifests itself in different ways for different people. Some may lash out verbally or physically, while others may bottle it up until it explodes.  A study reveals more than one in four people worry about how angry they feel. Uncontrolled anger can lead to both short-term and long-term problems in your personal and professional life. It can also impact your physical and mental health and put a strain on your overall well-being.

What Is Anger Management and What Does It Involve?

Everybody has experienced anger at some point in their lives, but for some people, anger is a constant problem. Anger management is the process of learning how to recognize, control and express anger positively. It may involve changing how you think about situations which make you angry, how you react to anger-inducing situations and developing coping mechanisms to deal with your anger.

4 Signs You Need Anger Management Help

If you find yourself regularly losing your temper, acting impulsively or lashing out at others, it may be time to seek help from a professional. Here are four signs you could benefit from anger management:

1. Frequently Lose Your Temper

Impulsive behaviour, like lashing out or breaking things, is a common sign that someone needs help managing their anger. If you find yourself getting angry often, it may be a sign you need help managing your anger.

2. Disproportionate Reactions

You may react to minor events in an overly dramatic or aggressive way. Your loved ones may not be comfortable around you, afraid of triggering a negative reaction. If your reactions are out of proportion to the situation, it’s a sign you need help managing your anger.

3. Physical Aggression

Lashing out physically is never acceptable. If you find yourself getting into physical altercations or hurting those around you, you need help to manage your anger.

4. Negative Impact on Quality of Life

Anger can overpower your life and negatively affect your relationships, job, health and overall well-being. It can create problems at home and work, make it hard to concentrate, lead to isolation and depression and cause physical problems.

The Benefits of Anger Management

Managing your anger can improve your overall quality of life. The five benefits of anger management are:

  • Improved physical health
  • Improved mental health
  • Stronger relationships
  • Greater job satisfaction
  • Less stress and anxiety

5 Tips To Manage Your Anger

Several anger management techniques can help you to control your anger. While therapy or relaxation techniques may be ideal for some, others may prefer to read self-help books or attend anger management classes. Here are five tips that will help you manage your anger. 

1.  Expressing Your Feelings

The goal of anger management is to reduce both the frequency and intensity of your angry feelings, as well as the harmful effects of anger on your life and relationships. One way to do this is to express your anger safely and constructively. This can involve talking to a friend about what’s making you angry or even maintaining an anger log to identify your triggers. 

2.   Relaxation Techniques

Taking a few deep breaths or going for a walk can help you to calm down and avoid reacting in a harmful way. You can also try progressive muscle relaxation, visualization and breathing exercises

3. Cognitive Restructuring

This involves changing the way you think about situations that make you angry. For example, if you are feeling anger towards a loved one, try to remember all the times they have been there for you. Or if you are feeling overwhelmed by a project at work, break it down into smaller tasks that you can complete. Cognitive restructuring can help you to see situations in a more positive light and avoid getting overwhelmed by anger.

4. Improving Communication Skills

One of the main goals of anger management is to improve communication and constructively resolve conflict. This involves learning how to express your needs and feelings without being aggressive or hurtful. It can also involve active listening, which is when you focus on understanding what the other person is saying rather than preparing your response. Improving your communication skills can help you to resolve conflict more positively and avoid getting angry in the first place.

5. Seeking Professional Help

A study reveals 58% of people don't know where to seek help for their anger problems. 84% of people agree individuals should be encouraged to seek help to manage their anger. A therapist can help you to understand the root cause of your anger and develop a treatment plan to manage your anger in a healthy way.

Anger management can help you take control of your life, rather than letting your emotions rule you. It can also improve your relationships, both at home and work and make you happier and healthier. Learning to manage your anger is a process that takes time and practice, but it’s worth the effort.

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