
Chearful soundbites we think you’ll enjoy


Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Feeling insecure? We all do sometimes. But what if we could rewrite the narrative? This video is about turning self-fulfilling prophecies into self-fulfilling possibilities. Rewrite your story: From self-doubt to self-love You are enough, exactly as you are.

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Anxious about the New Year

New year, new feels! Change can be a mix of excitement and anxiety. Let's begin the new year with resilience and the belief that we've got this!

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Embracing Change and Uncertainty in the New Year

مع انتهاء العام، من الطبيعي التفكير في الماضي والتطلع إلى المستقبل بمزيج من الترقب وعدم اليقين. وهذا يمكن أن يؤدي إلى الخوف والقلق. التغيير جزء لا مفر منه من الحياة، ويمكن أن يجلب التحديات والفرص.في حين أنه من السهل أن تشعر بالإرهاق من المجهول، إلا أن تقبل التغيير وعدم اليقين يمكن أن يؤدي إلى نمو شخصي وفرص جديدة وحياة أكثر إشباعًا.فيما يلي بعض النصائح لتقبل التغيير وعدم اليقين في العام الجديد.

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Coping with Loneliness During Year-End Celebrations

في هذا الفيديو، نتحدث عن كيفية التعامل مع الوحدة خلال الأعياد في نهاية العام. دعونا نكشف عن استراتيجيات تعزيز الرفاهية النفسية وتجاوز التحديات لخلق تجربة أعياد تكون مليئة بالاسترخاء والتواصل.

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للمغتربين..كيف تتعامل مع الحنين للوطن والأهل خاصة في موسم الإحتفالات والأعياد

في بعض الأحيان تأخذنا الحياة إلى أماكن بعيدة عن منزلنا وأحبائنا. يمكن أن يؤدي ذلك إلى الحزن والارتباك والعزلة والوحدة... تعلم بعض الاستراتيجيات التي تساعدك على التأقلم وعيش حياة أكثر سعادة في بيئتك الجديدة.

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Homesickness advice if you are spending holidays alone

Ever missed home so much it feels like a heartache? From missing family and familiar places to the comfort of routine. Discover how to deal with homesickness

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The Partner of Your Dreams

Do you find yourself dreaming of a future partner? Some say this can be harmful to us. Discover how to use this imagination to help yourself, and when it can become harmful.

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Anxiety from Economics and Politics

إن الجمع بين السياسة والاقتصاد قد يكون أرضاً خصبة للقلق في عالم يتسم بالتغير الدائم وعدم اليقين. يمكن أن يتركنا نشعر بالعزلة والوحدة والرعب والإرهاق. فيما يلي بعض المؤشرات لمساعدتك على التنقل في هذه المياه المضطربة.

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Managing Your Teenager's Emotions

Managing your teen's emotions can be challenging, and here are some simple tips to help them navigate their way way through to healthy wellbeing.

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Mindfulness Meditation for Stress & Anxiety

This is a quick mindfulness meditation, which will help to relax your body and your mind. reduce anxiety, release tension, and refocus your attention. Close your eyes and smile.  We're going to set the intention. This is a moment for me.  As you breathe in, visualize a bright golden light entering through the crown of your head and filling your entire body.  As you breathe out, this golden light leaves your body through your fingertips and takes with it all of the tension, making you feel more and more relaxed. As the golden light enters through the crown of your head, visualize and relax the crown of your head and your scalp.  Visualize and relax your face and your head. Visualize and relax your neck and your throat.  Visualize and relax your shoulders, your upper arms and your lower arm. Visualize and relax your hands, your fingers and your fingertips where that golden light is leaving your body and taking with it the stress, the anxiety, the tension to leave you feeling a deep state of relaxation.  Stay here for a few more deep and cleansing breath and finally, slowly and mindfully open your eyes.  Namaste and have a beautiful day!

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Three things to manage anxiety

Hello, my name is Dr. Sumner and I'm here to talk to you about three things you can do to manage anxiety. The first thing to do is simply notice, notice those moments when you are feeling anxious. Conscious awareness is helpful to identify in particular, triggers. So we understand what it is that's making us feel anxious. And journaling is a great way to do that. The second thing is to use simple relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises, I'm mindful activities.  Thirdly, it's really important that if you're feeling overwhelmed by anxious thoughts and feelings, if you feel like your anxiety is increasing in frequency, then please reach out to a mental health professional who can provide you further details, support and advice.

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Stress Management Techniques

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