What is Good Mental Health?

What good mental health means differs from person to person because to feel our best, we all require different things. Let us get to know more about what good mental health can look like.
What Constitutes Good Mental Health?
Good mental health is more than just the absence of mental illness. It means you are in a state of wellbeing where you feel good and function well in the world.
Today, there’s a lot of talk around staying healthy mentally. But how do we know that our constant effort towards strengthening our mind and emotions is actually doing any good? Here are 4 tell-tale signs to indicate that your mental health is in good shape -
1. You Feel Good
If you have good mental health, you tend to feel satisfied, overall. You will experience the emotions of happiness, love, joy and compassion, while avoiding being sucked into negative emotions or patterns.
2. You Have Decent Coping Mechanisms
We all face challenges in life. But, people who have good mental health are more likely to be able to cope with the ups and downs smoothly. They skillfully handle normal stresses of life, while managing to work productively.
3. You Can Say ‘No’ To People
Mentally strong people know when to say “no” and set boundaries. If you’re mentally strong, you know where your emotional responsibility ends. You feel comfortable standing up for yourself. You don’t feel shame or guilt about expressing your emotions and conveying your displeasure and instead feel liberated and free while doing so.
4. You Have Healthy Relationships
If your mental health is in good shape, you’re more likely to treat others fairly. It means you love and respect those who are worthy of it and don’t waste your resources (time, money and energy) on toxic people or tolerate their disturbing behaviour.
What Can You Do to Boost Your Mental Health?
If you don't think your mental health is in good shape, take a look at your life and note what makes you feel better or worse so you may make changes to improve your situation. It's also vital to concentrate on keeping good mental health if you already have it; excellent mental health isn't always permanent, and it can fluctuate if we don't remain on top of it.
1. Make Healthy Choices
Everything we do to improve our physical health also benefits our mental health. Eating well, resting well and scheduling time for exercise are all critical, as is keeping track of how much alcohol, sugar and caffeine you consume. If you have a mental health illness that necessitates counselling or medication, it's critical that you stay on track and stick to your treatment plan.
2. A Support System
Finding a support system that can assist you in staying on top of your self-care will help you stay motivated. Friends, relatives, coworkers, teachers, therapists and others in your community could be included. Discuss your feelings with your support network to see if they have any suggestions, such as social activities, emotional support or keeping an eye on any changes in your behaviour or well-being.
3. Relax
A change of scenery or speed is beneficial to your mental health. It could be a five-minute break from cleaning the kitchen, a half-hour lunch break at work or a weekend trip to a new location.
Despite following all these measures, you might feel exhausted or overwhelmed at times. Do not hesitate to seek professional help and attend counselling sessions if you feel that the situation is getting out of hand. Afterall, seeking help is a sign of strength — not a weakness.
Build your awareness and get inspired with our researched articles on how you can strengthen your well-being
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