
Getting Mentally Fit

Alison Parr
14 Nov 2022

Just like losing weight needs a fitness regimen and maybe even a diet that a person needs to stick with, mental fitness is also a practice that needs consistency, and effort until it becomes a part of a person’s way of thinking, feeling, and behaving.

In today’s world of challenges, events and stress, mental fitness has become even more important to cultivate and embed into our daily lives. Thanks to numerous research studies we know that there is a strong body-mind connection, and one affects the other and when they both work well, are fit, we have overall well-being and health.

Achieving and maintaining good mental fitness isn't about being free of problems or stress. Rather, it's about having the skills and resources needed to effectively deal with whatever life throws your way. A study shows your fluid intelligence i.e. the capacity to reason, solve problems and remember things increases when you are mentally fit. Crystallized intelligence i.e. the knowledge you have acquired through experience and learning continues to grow throughout your lifetime. Mental fitness is important at every stage of life, but it becomes increasingly so as you age.

Your mental fitness includes:

  • Managing stress in a healthy way
  • Developing and maintaining positive relationships
  • Setting and achieving personal goals
  • Coping with setbacks and adversity
  • Building resilience
  • Creating a positive outlook on life

Improving your mental fitness can help you better manage day-to-day stress, deal with challenging life events, and build the resilience needed to bounce back from setbacks. Here are five simple tips to get you started:

1. Eat, Move & Sleep

Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. Aerobic exercises, jogging, walking, gardening, swimming, dancing and others help reduce anxiety and depression levels according to a study. So get up and move - your mind will thank you for it!

Most people need around 7-8 hours of sleep per night to function at their best. If you find yourself struggling to get enough shut-eye, there are a few things you can try, such as setting a consistent bedtime, avoiding caffeine before bed, and creating a relaxing bedtime routine. Sleep hygiene is important for both physical and mental health.

What you eat has a direct impact on your mental health. Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help improve our mood and keep our minds sharp. It is said proteins have amino acids which are beneficial in mood regulation. On the other hand, processed foods and sugary drinks can contribute to anxiety and depression. So make sure you're eating plenty of nutritious foods!

2. Take Mental Breaks

When you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, it's important to take some time for yourself, to pause so you can reflect. Whether it's taking a walk outside, reading your favorite book, or spending time with friends or family, taking breaks helps us recharge and come back refreshed by putting a bit of distance between you and what is causing stress. 

3. Connect With Others

Humans are social creatures, so it's no surprise that social interaction is crucial for maintaining good mental health. Whether it's meeting new friends or spending time with old ones, make sure you're staying connected. Most importantly it can help you feel less alone and overwhelmed.

4. Be Mindful

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment. It sounds simple enough, but research has shown that mindfulness can actually help reduce stress levels, improve our moods, and boost overall mental well-being. Start with just a few minutes of mindfulness each day and see how you feel!

5. Challenge Yourself Mentally

Just like you need to exercise your body to stay physically fit, you also need to exercise your mind in order to stay mentally fit! There are lots of ways to do this - from doing puzzles and brainteasers to learning a new skill and practices or a language - so find something that interests you and get started!

Mental fitness can transform not just how you feel but also how you behave. It is the key to maintaining not just your physical health but also your emotional well-being. So start making some changes today and see how you feel tomorrow!


Build your awareness and get inspired with our researched articles on how you can strengthen your well-being

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