
The Power of a Smile

Khushboo Motihar
07 Oct 2022

First impressions are important but did you know smiling is one of the most important aspects of a first impression? A genuine smile conveys confidence, approachability and trustworthiness - three essential traits in both personal and professional relationships. Keep reading to learn about the surprising six benefits of smiling more often. 

1. Smiling Makes Us More Attractive 

Think about it - when was the last time you were attracted to someone who wasn't smiling? Probably never, right? There is something about a smile that just makes people more attractive. In fact, studies show you are not only drawn to people who smile more, but you also perceive them as being more likeable, relaxed and successful. So, if you are looking to make a good impression on someone, don't forget to smile!

2. Smiling Boosts Our Mood 

It's no secret smiling can instantly boost our mood. When you smile, your brain releases endorphins - neurotransmitters which have pain-relieving and mood-boosting properties. Endorphins also stimulate the release of serotonin, a hormone that plays a key role in regulating your mood. So next time you are feeling down, try cracking a smile and see if it doesn't make you feel just a little bit better.

3. Smiling Lowers Blood Pressure 

You may not realize it, but stress can take a serious toll on your physical health. High levels of stress have been linked with everything from weight gain and heart disease to anxiety and depression. One way to help combat stress is by simply smiling more often. A study has found evidence that smiling lowers your blood pressure and heart rate - two key indicators of stress. So the next time you are feeling overwhelmed, try taking a deep breath and smile.

4.  Smiling Strengthens The Immune System 

Smiling is also known to boost your immune system by reducing stress levels. When you are stressed, your body releases cortisol - a hormone which suppresses the immune system. By smiling more often, you can help reduce your stress levels and keep your immune systems strong.

5.  Smiling Can Extend Your Life 

A study conducted by researchers at Wayne State University found smiling can actually help extend your life by 7 years. So if you are looking to add a few extra years to your life, make sure you smile frequently.

6.   Smiling Is Contagious 

Have you ever noticed how when someone smiles at you, it's hard not to smile back? That's because smiling is contagious! When you see someone smiling, it activates the muscles in your face which are responsible for smiling. It instantly uplifts your mood and makes you feel good. So next time you see someone looking glum, flash them a smile and spread some cheer!

Smiling is one of the simplest and most effective ways to improve your mood, lower stress levels, boost your immune system and make you more attractive. So next time you are feeling stressed or down, remember the power of a smile! Try smiling at yourself in the mirror or smiling at the world - you might just be surprised at how good it makes you feel.



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