
Ways to Thrive as an Introvert at Work

Angela O'Connor
19 Dec 2022

Being an introvert in the workplace can sometimes feel like a double-edged sword—on one hand, you can be incredibly creative and independent; on the other, it may feel overwhelming to speak up, get your ideas heard and navigate a workplace which may largely be built for extroverts. You may also struggle to find the energy and motivation to participate in group activities or take on new tasks. But don’t despair—there are plenty of ways for introverts to thrive in the workplace and here are seven tips which can help! 

Introverts in The Workplace

Introverts are naturally inquisitive and often have a way of looking at things that others may not, which can be an asset in many workplace environments. They are also great problem-solvers and tend to be more focused enabling them to get through tasks quickly and efficiently. A study of 900+ CEOs showed those with introverted personalities outperformed their extroverted counterparts frequently. And even though highly extroverted people are 25% more likely to land top jobs, introverts make better leaders most often. However, it can be challenging to navigate a workplace full of extroverts and still find success. Here are seven ways introverts can thrive in the workplace

1. Schedule Yourself Some Alone Time 

Sometimes all it takes is a little time away from everyone else to recharge your batteries. Schedule yourself some undisturbed time during the day so you can take a break from the hustle and bustle of office life and just focus on yourself. This could mean stepping out for a quick walk outside or finding somewhere quiet to sit down. It doesn’t have to be long—just enough time for you to be able to take a breath and refocus before getting back into work mode. 

2. Utilize Technology 

If you find it hard to speak up during meetings or conferences, use technology as an edge. Consider using collaboration tools such as Google Docs or Slack so you can communicate with your colleagues without having to physically interact with them too much. At the same time, it is important to make sure you are still attending meetings and contributing to discussions, as this will help build relationships with your colleagues and show you are an active part of the team.

3. Create a Schedule That Works for You 

Find out what hours suit you best and make sure you are taking full advantage of them by getting stuff done during this timeframe. This could mean getting in early or staying late and avoiding the busiest time of day so you have more space to concentrate. By doing this, you can be sure to get your work done without having to deal with the hustle and bustle of more hectic times. 

4. Find Meaningful Connections 

Introverts tend to enjoy deep conversations more than small talk because they offer more meaningful connections with people around them—so why not use this opportunity at work? Instead of just exchanging pleasantries with your colleagues, try digging deeper into conversation topics such as hobbies or travel experiences, so you can learn more about each other beyond just small talk!  

5. Take Notes During Meetings and Conferences 

Taking notes not only shows you are actively listening, but it is also a great way for you to stay engaged in meetings and conferences. You can use this time to jot down ideas or thoughts. This will help you stay on top of your thoughts and be ready to contribute when the opportunity arises.

6. Take the Initiative 

Many times, introverts have great ideas but feel too intimidated to speak up about them. It’s important to find a way to make your voice heard and take the initiative by speaking up in meetings or offering creative solutions to problems. Taking charge of your thoughts and ideas will show your colleagues that you have valuable insight to bring to the table.

7. Celebrate Your Strengths 

It’s easy to get overwhelmed and feel like you don’t fit in, especially when surrounded by extroverts. Instead of focusing on your weaknesses, take a step back and focus on what you do best. You may be great at research or you might excel in problem-solving. Celebrate these strengths and use them to your advantage!

Being an introvert in the workplace doesn't have to feel like a disadvantage - there are many ways for introverts to thrive in their careers while remaining true to themselves! By taking the time to focus on your strengths, utilize technology and take some alone time every now and then, you can be successful in your workplace. It is also important to remember your introversion does not have to be a hindrance - it is also your biggest strength! So don't be afraid to take the initiative and make your voice heard. Good luck!


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