
Living a Meaningful Life

Angela O'Connor
20 Oct 2022

Do you ever feel like something is missing? Like you are going through the motions but not really living? If so, you are not alone. Many people struggle to find meaning in their lives. Purpose or meaning in life can lead to longevity according to a study. Research has also found evidence that a meaningful life can help you cope with stress, trauma, anxiety and the uncertainties of life. A life with purpose can also lead to a more positive outlook, increased satisfaction and improved physical health. So how can you make your life more meaningful? Here are seven tips: 

1. Get Clear on What Matters to You

What are your values? What do you stand for? What do you want to accomplish in life? When you are clear on what matters to you, it's easier to make decisions which align with your larger goals in life. And when your life is in alignment with your values, it feels a lot more meaningful. 

2. Spend Time With People who Matter to You. 

Studies have revealed social bonds and close relationships can often be a source of meaning in life for many. Surround yourself with people who love and support you. These are the people who will help you weather the storms of life and who will celebrate your successes with you. So choose your company wisely and spend time with the people who matter most to you. 

3 . Do Work That Matters

People spend a lot of their time at work, so it's important you enjoy what you do and feel like you are making a difference. If your job doesn't fulfill you, see if there's a way to make it more meaningful by considering which elements of your job you find important. Life is too short to be spent doing work that doesn't inspire you.

4 . Be Kind to Yourself

Treat yourself with kindness, compassion and understanding—the way you would treat a good friend. Cut yourself some slack when things don't go as planned and give yourself credit when things do go well. And be patient with yourself as you journey through life. Remember, you are just human, flaws and all

5. Be Kind to Others

Too often, you may get wrapped up in your own life and forget about the struggles other people are facing. But when you take the time to reach out and show compassion for others, you can make a real difference in their lives—and in turn, enrich your own life as well.

6 . Serve Something Larger Than Yourself

When you focus on something larger than yourself, life suddenly gets a lot more meaningful. It could be your family, a cause close to your heart or even humanity as a whole; whatever it is, choosing to serve something bigger than yourself will give your life purpose and meaning. Consider volunteering for a local charity or becoming involved in a cause you are passionate about. You don't have to do anything big to make a difference, every little bit counts.

7. Live in the Present

One of the best ways to make life more meaningful is to live more in the present moment and less in the past or future. Of course, it's important to reflect on lessons learned from the past and plan for the future; but if you dwell too much on either one, you will miss out on what's happening right now —which is really where life happens. So try to move through life mindfully, paying attention to each moment as it comes rather than letting it slip away unnoticed. When you start living this way, you will be astonished to see the richness of everyday experiences which were previously mundane and uninteresting to you.

These are just a few ideas for how to make life more meaningful. Don't try to force meaning into your life where there isn't any right now —instead, allow meaning to naturally emerge over time as you grow and evolve as a person. Remember meaning is all around us if only you slow down long enough to see it.


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