
Workplace Bullying can be debilitating

Angela Dawson
30 Sep 2022

Your workplace should be a place where you feel comfortable, respected and supported. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Bullying at work is a serious problem which can hamper your mental and physical health. A new Monster.com survey found nearly 94% of employees have been bullied in the workplace. This is a stark increase from 19% in the last eleven years. 51.1% of employees revealed they were bullied by bosses or managers. 23.3% of respondents reported receiving emails with aggressive tones, 20.2% had to face coworkers’ negative gossip and 17.8% people had someone yelling at them.

What is Workplace Bullying?

Workplace bullying is repeated, unreasonable actions of individuals toward another employee or group of employees creating a risk to health and safety. Bullying can be physical, verbal, social or psychological. It can also be done via email, text, or social media.

Some examples of workplace bullying include:

  • Unreasonable work expectations
  • Withholding important information needed to do the job effectively
  • Yelling, swearing, or other forms of verbal abuse
  • Physical violence or threats of violence
  • Spreading rumours or gossiping about an employee
  • Isolating or excluding an employee from work-related activities
  • Sabotaging an employee’s work
  • Micro-aggressions i.e. subtle but offensive comments or actions directed at a particular group.

3 Ways Workplace Bullying Can Impact You

Workplace bullying can affect your work performance and career prospects. Three ways workplace bullying can impact you are as follows. 

1. Negatively Impact Your Mental Health

If you are being bullied at work, you may experience symptoms of anxiety or depression. You may also have trouble sleeping, lose interest in activities you used to enjoy and develop unhealthy coping mechanisms such as drinking alcohol or using drugs.

2. Make You Feel Overwhelmed and Stressed

When you’re being bullied, you may feel like there is  nothing you can do to stop it. This can lead to feelings of powerlessness and stress. You may also have trouble concentrating at work or find your performance suffers. Bullying can also cause anxiety, depression and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

3. Physical Health Problems

The stress caused by workplace bullying can also take a toll on your physical health. You may experience headaches, other physical ailments and may be at an increased risk for heart disease.

5 Tips to Manage Workplace Bullying

If you are being bullied at work, know you are not alone and there are things you can do to manage the situation. Here are five tips:

  • Speak Up

You should never suffer in silence. Talk to your HR department or your manager about what is going on. Let them know how the bullying is making you feel and what specific incidents have occurred.

  • Set Boundaries

It’s important to set boundaries with the person who is bullying you. Let them know what behaviour is acceptable and what isn’t. If they continue to cross your boundaries, you can take further action. 

  • Keep a Record

Maintain a record of the bullying instances, including dates, times and witnesses. This can be helpful if you decide to take action against the bully.

  • Confront the Bully

If you feel comfortable doing so, you can confront the bully directly. When you confront the bully, do it calmly and assertively. Avoid getting angry or defensive.

  • Seek Support

It is possible to manage workplace bullying on your own, but it can be helpful to seek support from family and friends. If you are feeling overwhelmed, you can also talk to a therapist or counsellor. Workplace bullying can have a significant impact on your mental health. Don't be afraid to seek help if you need it.

These five tips can help you deal with workplace bullying. Remember, you have a right to feel safe and respected at work. Don’t let anyone take that away from you.


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