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Why does stress cause eating disorders?

14 Jul 2023

Avani Bhatia

Stress are caused due to some issues in life. Eating is always the most easiest tool to get temporary relieve from stress. Some food are full of chemicals that release feel good hormones which makes you happy. Eg, chocolates, sugar or desserts, etc they help in temporary improve your moods. Also that feeling of having control on food is easier than having control on situations.


Athiya Kabir

Stress itself does not directly cause eating disorders, but it can contribute to their development or exacerbate existing tendencies. Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions that involve a combination of genetic, biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors. Some individuals may turn to disordered eating behaviours, such as restrictive eating, binge eating, or purging, as a way to cope with stress. They may use food or the control of food as a means to manage their emotions or regain a sense of control in their lives. Food or the act of eating may provide temporary relief from stress, anxiety, or other negative emotions. If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, reach out to our qualified mental professionals who specialize in treating eating disorders.


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