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I could not sleep well what should be the better solutions for this?

19 Oct 2023

Avani Bhatia

Rather than looking for a solution let's do it the other way round by first understanding the reason. Once you know the underlying reason for disturbed sleep, it will be much easier to find the solution. Proper Diet plan, exercises during the day and proper gaps between the dinner and the bed time and lastly breathing techniques will definitely improve the quality of your sleep. Good night 😴


Athiya Kabir

Our sleep is influenced by our daily habits and routines, especially our actions during the day and at night. By making small adjustments to your daily routine, you can experience a significant difference in your sleep quality. However, if you still face difficulties with sleeping, it is advisable to seek therapy to address any underlying issues that may be affecting your mental well-being. This can help you feel better mentally and physically so that you can get a good night's sleep. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule Create a sleep-friendly environment Establish a relaxing bedtime routine Reserve your bed for sleep and relaxation Stay physically active Avoid daytime napping Limit heavy meals and liquids before bed Steer clear of evening caffeine Avoid screen/blue light 1 hour before bed


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