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What is imposter syndrome?

14 Jul 2023

Avani Bhatia

In simple words, I would say that imposter syndrome is nothing but lack of confidence. You yourself don't believe in your skills and undermine your own talent, traits and trust in yourself


Athiya Kabir

Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern where people doubt their abilities and fear being exposed as a fraud, despite evidence of their accomplishments. People with imposter syndrome often feel that they don't deserve their successes and attribute them to luck or external factors rather than their own skills or competence. They may believe that others overestimate their abilities and live with a constant fear of being discovered as a "fake." Imposter syndrome can cause self-doubt, anxiety, and a persistent feeling of inadequacy, even in the face of objective evidence of achievement. It is important to note that imposter syndrome is a common experience and can affect people in various domains of life, including work, academics, or personal achievements.


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